
FAQ’s & Tips

Tips to submit an Award Winning Entry

What’s the secret to putting together award winning entry?

The awards process is an opportunity for you to work on your business. Evaluate, review and reassess your goals! GO FOR IT! What do you have to lose?


-Download the Entry Questions
- Download the information pack for your category. You can go back and complete your entry later if you don't complete it in one go.
-Start gathering information about your business.
-Involve your team, brainstorm, talk to customers, suppliers, accountant, lawyer etc. It will boost morale and give everybody a sense of pride. It also will give you an outside perspective.

-Start early! Review time line of dates and allow enough time to enter. Don’t leave it to the last minute.
-Take your time. Give yourself the best possible chance of creating a winning entry. You can save your entry and go back to it in your own time.
-Start drafting your responses to each question.
-Stick to the word count and answer the question using clear, concise language, don’t go off on a tangent.
- Work within the requested word limits. Less is more on some occasions.
-Have you clearly addressed the questions? A clearly articulated message with short sentences is the best answer.
-Support your claims with evidence and refer to any awards, and testimonials. Although you can’t attach documents in the portal, you can reference them online with links if need be.
-Aim to stand out. Be different. Judges are assessing so many entries; you want yours to be memorable.


Edit, Review, Refine
-Have someone with a keen eye for detail look over your entry, check spelling etc
-Re-read the question as you are answering it. Are you answering precisely what is being asked?
-Finalise your draft, making sure you haven’t missed any critical content that will help your entry stand out
-Print out a PDF of your entry in the portal. Give it one final read through to ensure it is error-free.
-Submit your entry. Make sure you click SUBMIT!

If you require assistance throughout the nomination period, please contact Amanda Quarisa at info@griffithbusinesschamber.com.au or phone 0412644629 to discuss your application. All information is treated confidentially.



Here are the answers to some questions you're probably wanting to know!

Awards aligned with Business NSW means if you are the successful winner of the category, you will then have the opportunity to compete and represent at the Regional Murray Awards Night and those who succeed at the Regional level move on to compete against the best in NSW at the State Business Awards.

Yes you can! Regional and State Winners are eligible to enter the same category in the subsequent year that they have won, up to a maximum of three consecutive years. Please refer to the full terms and conditions HERE

No, you don’t, the awards are open to all businesses in Griffith and are FREE to enter. However if you win and progress through to the Regional Awards, it's a condition of entry that you must be member.

Yes, in fact this is common for business owners to outsource. If writing is not your greatest strength, consider delegating this to someone else with the appropriate skill set. Many businesses do this to eliminate time being a barrier to enter. It’s important to work with the person to ensure they understand your business and that your entry aligns with your expectations and goals.

Yes, but not in the category you sponsored.

No, judges for Business NSW Aligned Awards are external and impartial

You must create a username and password first to kickstart your application. You'll be asked to enter your business and contact details and upload a copy of your logo as well. This will allow you to come back to your submission at any time.

The judging panel feature experts in their field and are confidential, independent, impartial and sourced outside Griffith. All entries are confidential and sponsors and Chamber committee members are not judges for the aligned awards.

Judges will allocate scores to each question, and these scores will be multiplied by a weighting to reach an overall score for each entry. There will only be one winner per category.

No, local awards are not aligned and do not progress to a regional level.

If you are experiencing difficulty completing your entry or require assistance to complete your entry, please contact Awards Co-Ordinator Amanda Quarisa from Griffith Business Chamber info@griffithbusinesschamber.com.au | 0412 644 629 Mon-Fri 9am - 3pm

Example Question: “I’m 35 years old now, but I’ll be turning 36 next month, can I still enter into xyz category?”
Answer: As long as you meet the age or trading term criteria for that category at the time of entry, you will be able to enter into it.

If at any point you are unsure of your eligibility, please contact Amanda Quarisa on 0412 644 629 to discuss your application. All enquiries are completely confidential.