Hi Members
Here we go again right?! We’ve noticed many local businesses who are forced to closed, promoting alternative ways on how to buy from them directly….click and collect, delivery etc….please support a small business by contacting them - they’ll be more than happy to help you.
One thing Griffith can be proud of is our ability to adapt and be innovative. Keep up the great work and hopefully this snap lockdown does not last for long. For those home schooling and working…..well done, it’s not easy.
We've complied a list of services, support programs and information. Please reach out to these organisations and see how they can offer support or advice.
Business Connect: Martin O’Donnell 0428 270405
Normally Business Connect are $25 per hour. But now provided a business is in some way affected by the Covid outbreak, this service will be free.
Service NSW
Small business fees and charges rebate
As part of the NSW Government’s COVID-19 stimulus and recovery plan, small businesses may apply for a rebate worth $1,500 to help them pay for government fees and charges. For eligibility criteria and to apply, visit Apply for the small business fees and charges rebate.
Business NSW
Your local Chamber membership entitles you to access to Business NSW as part of our Alliance Program. View the flyer with all the FREE additional benefits you receive. Please feel free to utilise the FREE services on offer.
Business Australia
An extension to your Alliance Membership is Business Australia. It costs nothing to join, and members have access to business tools, resources and advice such as the BUSINESS GRANT FINDER
Find out in just 10 minutes what grants you could be eligible for from a range of over 1500 government grants worth almost $40 billion.
Local Accountants
Our local accountants provide a wealth of knowledge and assistance – we recommend Chamber members: Adams Kenneally White Chartered Accountants, ITP Griffith, Mallison Binks & Muir, Pinnancle HPC Accountants, Roy Spagnolo & Associates
Federal Govement Support
COVID-19 Disaster Payment NSW. Support if you couldn't work due to NSW COVID-19 PUblic Helath Orders.
COVID 19 is not only dangerous and potentially lethal to our Health, but also very disruptive to our businesses and supply line.
ADD this to the China sanctions, shipping chaos, price hikes, timber shortages, Workforce and Housing crisis! We all need to be on our toes.
While this has been happening, a record potential water availability has been hampered by low allocations due to flawed Government water management. Commodity prices have remained at a high so opportunity is great BUT Government needs to remove the road blocks.
Griffith’s Bush Summit has been rescheduled until October 15th (hopefully) and Council Elections delayed until Sat December 4th. It is good to see that Griffith’s Housing, Homelessness and Workforce Crisis will be top of the agenda for this forum. Federal & State elections probably also likely to be delayed.
GBC remains focussed on Workforce crisis issues with further work on a DAMA - (Designated Area Migration Agreement) along with upcoming Griffith Employment Expo (see more details below)
We continue to work alongside Member for Murray Helen Dalton with attached joint Open Letter on Affordable Housing and continue to loby for water equity for our region. We have made a number of further submissions to Government on these issues.
Submissions: We have written numerous submissions – all in the effort to improve our community which in turn directly helps our business community grow;
- GCC Draft Economic Development Strategy Submission
- GCC Draft Operational Plan & Budget
- To review – Rice Vesting
- Select Committee on Floodplain Harvesting
- NSW PARLIAMENT INQUIRY - Social Housing submission
- Griffith Old Ulong Street Police Station - HOMELESS CONVERSION OPTION
- Australia's skilled migration program inquiry
Griffith Employment Expo: We are working on this event for next year. A concept developed in reaction to the Workforce Crisis.
Purpose: Promote businesses and industries. Promote career opportunities, job vacancies you have available at the time, highlight gaps in industries. Give enthusiasm and motivation.
Who should attend: Students & general public (job seekers) or people wanting to change careers.
Outline: Whether you are in your final year of study, looking for a new job or deciding on career change….The Griffith Employment Expo can provide valuable information, build networks & connect you with potential employers from a variety of industries.
Kind regards
Paul Pierotti